My World of WarCraft resume
Many of you have come to know me as a content creator and have noticed that I tend to be pretty competitive. I play a lot of battle royale and multiplayer games in general. What many of you may not know is that at one time, I was a very serious World of WarCraft player. So as I embark on my WoW Classic journey, much of which you will be part of through my streams, I wanted to give you all some background on my history with World of WarCraft.
I began playing World of WarCraft during the “vanilla” days as a Human Rogue. Like many others, I took forever to hit Level 60. Even once I did hit the level cap, I had no idea what I was doing. The thought of being invited to one of my guild’s raids seemed like a dream. I remember being on every single night at raid time, hoping that they wouldn’t have 40 people, so that I would get an invitation by default. I remember thinking that I would never actually be good enough to “earn” a spot in the raid, so poor attendance from my guild mates would be the only way that I would get in. While I desperately wanted to see what places like Molten Core and Zul’Gurub looked like, I didn’t really have the gumption to talk to our Guild Master about coming to a raid because I thought that I would be annoying. Eventually however, lucky came my way and I got an invitation to come raid in Molten Core.
Based on just that one raid alone, it became obvious that I would never catch up to some of the other Rogues in my guild on the damage meters. They all had daggers and gear that they had earned from raiding for much longer and there was a waiting list for certain weapons to drop. I had to do something differently if I ever wanted to distinguish myself and compete. At that time, every single Rogue in my guild was running daggers and virtually all of the warriors were running big two-handed weapons. Since I was a human with sword specialization, I thought that maybe a combat Rogue would be a different? Maybe I should re-spec to Combat and become a sword Rogue so that I can have first pick on one-handed swords that drop? That was the beginning of something beautiful.
Even without a ton of raid gear or experience, I started moving up the damage charts as a sword Rogue. Many of the other Rogues took notice. As I geared up and started wielding better weapons, I started dealing more damage than any other Rogue in my guild. Some of them respected my approach and soon joined in while others resented me for surpassing them. All of this happened very quickly. Within a pretty short period of time, I became one of my guild’s top damage dealers. Then something else happened.
One night we were supposed to be summoning world bosses in Silithus and our Guild Master was missing in action. No one seemed to know what to do. Everyone in guild chat was losing their minds so I decided to put together a group to do it in our Guild Master’s absence. No one quite knew what to think about this. Some people weren’t comfortable with it, unsure of what our Guild Master would think about us taking liberties to organize content without him. When he logged on and we had a group standing in Silithus ready to go, I remember being terrified of what he would think. I had never put together a group before so I didn’t know if I had the right class composition or anything along those lines. It was all an experiment. Without saying hardly anything he promoted me to a Raid Leader and shortly thereafter, an officer of the guild.
One thing lead to another and eventually, I was wielding Thunderfury. I was one of the few Rogues on my server to have the legendary weapon and I quickly became known for it both within my guild and on my sever. As an officer of my guild and raid leader, we went on to progress up to the Twin Emperors in AQ40 before maxing out early on in Naxxramas.
After dabbling in The Burning Crusade, skipping most of the endgame content, I came back with a vengeance during Wrath of the Lich King. I formed a guild with many of my old guild mates from the vanilla days and we performed pretty well. We cleared all of Naxxramas, much of Ulduar, and killed Malygos while I played a Death Knight, serving as Raid Leader and an off-tank. While I loved Wrath of the Lich King and consider Arthas to be one of my favorite characters in any game of all time, running the guild eventually burned me out and I took some time away. Even with a Frostmourne tattoo on my right arm, eventually the toll of running the guild while working and going to college lead me to take a step away.
From there on out, I played WoW off and on through each expansion. I raided a bit during Cataclysm, serving as one of my guild’ s two healers, where I found my home as a Holy Paladin, which I really enjoyed. I skipped most of Mists of Pandaria and essentially focused on solo content in Warlords of Draenor, Legion, before only tinkering with the most recent expansion, Battle for Alliance early on.
But here we are, with World of WarCraft Classic launching and the magic starting all over again. So what will I do this time? My life has changed significantly since vanilla. I’m no longer 19-years old and working part-time. I’m now a Mayor, husband, full-time manager at my day job as well as a content creator. So what can my Classic journey consist of?
For the first time ever, I will be playing on the Horde side. While I have always been an Alliance player, many of my friends have rolled Horde on Stalagg so I will be joining them there. Instead of playing a Rogue as I did in vanilla, I will be playing an Enhancement Shaman with a focus on PvP. Why? Well first of all, Shamans always wrecked me back in the day, so I want to be on the opposite end of that carnage. I can’t tell you how bad I hated Frost Shock as a Rogue back in vanilla. Not to mention the huge Windfury crits…Second, with a life as busy as mine, I doubt that I will be able to adhere to much of a raiding schedule. I can however, queue for a battleground or go terrorize Silithus in world PvP, whenever I want. So that is what I will be doing.
So in a nut shell, that’s my World of WarCraft story. I have so many World of WarCraft memories that I will be sharing throughout my time streaming the game going forward and I hope to create many more. As always, you will be able to catch my streams on both Sliver.TV and Twitch, depending on which platform I decide to stream to on a given day. When I reach Level 60, I hope that you will come to know my stream as a place where you can catch some epic PvP and 12-hour Alterac Valley battles because we all know that those are the best. Just remember that no matter what you do, do not cap Snowfall. Now let’s invade Azeroth! For the Horde!
PS- I will be happy to party up with any of you on Stalagg for dungeons, PvP, etc. See you in-game!